Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hi everyone, welcome to my blog.

I've just started this blog out, so don't expect it to be "creme de la creme" at first. As stated in the title of my blog, I am a young astronaut in the making. I haven't been for any training stuff yet, nor have I been into space. But I am quite a dab hand at Astronomy. Before I go into too much detail, let me tell you how I developed an interest in space studies and astronauts.

It was when Malaysia's first angkasawan, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie was launched off into space on October 10th 2007. He had inspired hundreds of young Malaysians to believe in themselves, and dream big. Since then, I started studying about space. It was quite a surprising moment, for I never used to like things that were really difficult to do. But the success of the angkasawan has shaped my feelings about complicated things.

Learning about space is a very interesting thing to do. I hope that my dream will come true.

Till then,

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