Saturday, April 26, 2008

Going to National Planetarium- I hope.

Hi everyone,
The title of this post already mentions it. I am planning to visit the National Planetarium (Planetarium Negara) with my dad. The thing is, I don't know if I can really go, as my cousins are here from Singapore and they're getting most of the so-called VIP spots. Whenever they want to go somewhere, they'll get it for sure. Then the rest of the family, including me has to follow them around like bodyguards. But that doesn't interupt my studying about space. Well, at least not completely.

There are a few reasons that I want to visit the Planetarium. Firstly, I want to feel what it's like floating in zero gravity. Secondly, and it's stated in the title, I want to become an astronaut when I grow up. Finally, the 4th Graders have been there and experienced the fun. Why not a 6th Grader?

Anyway, I will still post on this blog when I find the time to. Got exams up soon.


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